Our Message
The San Francisco Poster Syndicate grew out of the crisis around higher education – student debt and the abuse of adjunct faculty.
We create and screen print original images, continuing the rich history of posters as a form of political messaging. We print the posters “live” at political actions, exhibitions, and on the street, giving away the work for free in order to target a variety of current social and economic justice issues.
Our Mission:
The Poster Syndicate is here to bring art and design to many different people’s movements in hopes that their message can be heard and seen more loudly.
Our Logo
José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913) created thousands of popular images with his prints. His imagery was used in broadsides and street papers in his lifetime, and he was lionized as the father of Mexican printmaking and of political art by Diego Rivera and members of the Taller de Gráfica Popular.
We use one of his calaveras as our logo because his legacy inspires art for the people.
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